Saturday, March 13, 2010

Laying pipe (2)

My sense is that we need to stay on this topic of revival and it's implications for church planting ("laying pipe") for a few days.

Chris Jefferies (UK) has done us a service today in helping us move beyond the facts of the great awakening that began in Wales in 1904 and spread around the world. It's of great value to consider the number of conversions and church growth and societal transformation. But, what was the heart of all of this?

Chris' blog (see link below) allows us to hear a "love song of the Welsh Revival" that communicates powerfully the heartbeat of what God was doing 100 years ago. As I listened to it, I found myself weeping and praying that God would once again reveal His love this powerfully to Denver and Hawaii and Abilene and Mexico City and...

Check it out here and let us know what the Lord says to you as you listen:



  1. To this, John, I would simply say that without a vision the people perish. Unless our hearts are overwhelmed by Jesus and him alone we will never have the motivation for revival or for true church planting or anything of lasting value.

    We can work because it seems a good idea, we can work because we expect a reward, we can work because we're driven by fear. But unless we are drawn by Love himself to do his work it will all be emptiness.

    Unless the Lord builds the house we're working in vain.

    But - I believe there are some in our day who are catching this vision. Some of them are right here in the MRT experiment!

  2. "Who his love will not remember?"

    I had a lingering sense for revival yesterday morning. It left me with a paradox of emotion. On one hand, it thrills me to imagine revival coming. On another, it scares me. I think I sense several things that bring this fear: 1) I'm new to spiritual warfare types of interactions, but I am finding them more frequently, 2) I realize that I will lose even more control, I believe I have relinquished a lot already, 3) I think revival will bring much joy, but I feel there will be a cost for me and my family.

    I'm not sure what this admission means about me. Do any of you feel this way?

  3. The admission means two things, Hobby - you are normal and you are honest. Do any of us not feel 1), 2), and 3)? Certainly I do!

    In the end we have to fall back on the certainty that our Father loves us more than we can imagine. Somehow, all the risks and costs are worth it.

    Jesus understands that you're scared, that you don't like losing control, and that you love your family.

    As caterpillars we can't see beyond the stem we're clinging to. When we are butterflies we'll rise unimaginably high and see the complete garden.

  4. Thank you Chris. I find your words very affirming. I have really enjoyed interacting with you in this forum :)
