Thursday, May 6, 2010

What is a MRT?

Great responses on "bright spots"! Thank you.

Next question.

The name that we have used for these small groups of church planters is MRT (Missional Resource Team). We're thinking about a 2.0 Experiment this summer. Is MRT the name we want to stick with? Some have commented that MRT is confusing and doesn't inspire people to ask questions about it. What do you think?

Is there a better name?

One suggestion is a Regional Apostolic Team. "Regional" and "apostolic" seem to be good descriptors and "apostle" is right out of Scripture. But, I know some are squeamish about anything with "apostle" in it. Do we try and recapture the term or avoid it all together? (And, of course, this leads to the acronym RAT!)

Here's another possibility... Strategic Listening Team. This focuses on what we actually do. We listen and God provides the strategy. However, it doesn't put the focus on church planting.

Other ideas?

No doubt every term has pluses and minuses but I wanted to hear your thoughts on this. Hit "comments" below and weigh in on this if you have a strong opinion.



  1. I like "Missional Resource Team." I think it rightly describes our missionary heart.

  2. Eastern European MissionaryMay 7, 2010 at 6:02 AM

    The name MRT has worked fine.

    The word "Apostolic" is, unfortunately, often associated with pro-charismatic organizations and is reminiscent of "crazy" leaders who are after certain income.

    "Strategic listening" might be better but still does not really appeal to doers.

    On the other hand, MRT states that it is 1) missionary, 2) about sharing resources, and 3) a team, as opposed a group or organization.

  3. Missional Resource Teams are a powerful force that any believer can be invited into, whereas things like APEST leadership teams,or other 5-fold related leadership structures end up continuing the clergy/laity divide. I appreciate the MRT name, and I still get strange looks when I mention Missional Resource Teams and end up having to unpack the term anyway - which I always enjoy.

    That said, I will probably continue to use several names for what "this" is. "Listening group for a city," "Metro-mystics" :) "disciples with a heart for Chicago"... etc.

    I need to do some more thinking on this.

  4. I'm alright with MRT as well. Regional Apostolic Team is good - but the acronym is a little odd (yet intriguing). Strategic Listening Team seems to miss one big piece of the puzzle while focusing on another (namely the Missional or Apostolic nature of the group).

    How about "SMARTY" - Strategic Missional Apostolic Regional Team Yeah! ;)

  5. I like what both MRT and SLT convey...and they both carry the idea of teams.

  6. How about...? Regional Networking Team ---- Missional Networking Team --- Regional Missions Team --- Regional Missions Resource Team --- RMRT .. Gives more specific areas we are focusing on. But I like that we are Networking with each other as well. Hmmm... more thoughts.

    I like the fact that we are a resource to others who are becoming church planters in their areas. (I'm not fond of the Strategic Listening name... although that's what we do.) We are missional... I like that we are a resource.... we are a team with a common vision... we focus on regions.... we listen, encourage, respond...
    Or, I like what Noah wrote -- SMARTY! Ha Ha Ha!!! LOL!

  7. Names are not only powerful but tricky. Once named there is no way to "unname". Names can lead down roads where I don't want to go.
    We have purposed not to name any of our groups or ministries. It does not seem Paul names the individual groups.
    Just a thought.

  8. Hi John
    I'm a Co2'er following MRT as a by-stander and so I feel a little cheeky offering a suggestion but I love naming and branding and I got a little excited at the challenge.

    Something I wrote in my journal recently was
    FLOW - beautiful word and we are practicing waiting on "the flow" from the Holy Spirit
    Follow - Jesus
    Listen - SASHET & Virkler
    Obey - Take action
    Witness - Tell the stories

    So my very left field suggestions are
    FLOW Planters
    FLOW Team
    FLOW Harvest Workers

    Kindest Regards
    Maree (from Australia)

  9. I think the transition to "apostolic" seems very valuable. It is unfortunate that there are some in our culture who do not understand. I think, as with any word, it is ours to define. Even though it has had a tainted sense, it is coming back in whether people want it or not.

    After giving it some thought, I like something like Apostolic Listening Teams.

    Mark, I would take issue with you--in brotherly love--that APEST does not create a clergy laity divide. In a hierarchical system a role creates a divide. In a parenting system these roles are multiplied in equipping. What do you think?
