Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cohorts (2)

We are continuing to think about three new elements that we are planning to add to the MRT Experiment (2.0). We introduced the first one yesterday - the idea of two cohorts this summer with the possibility of more this fall.

I loved Sean's comment on his associations with the word "cohort". "I now have visions of groups of wild "christian" warriors running down hills to ransack and plunder (this may not be a bad thing)." Of course, we're using a slightly different definition of the word!

Notice in the graphic above that there are six cohorts all connected through the circle in the middle. Of course, I picture Jesus as standing in that circle because He is the one who connects all of us. But, the MRT community is also connected by a common DNA. We choose to express this DNA through specific practices or rhythms that we all commit to. (One example of this would be the CO2 or church of two.) I'll send out a description of the common practices for the summer MRT (2.0) in a week or two.

Love to hear any further thoughts or comments you have about the idea of "cohorts". Click on "comments" below.


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