Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prevenience and coaching (3)

So, how do we actually implement the "prevenience principle" in our lives and ministries?

A great starting place is learning to ask "the prevenience questions".

Make-it-happen questions are: "What do we do? How can we get things going again."

Prevenience questions are: "What has God been doing here? What traces of grace can I discern in this life? What history of love can I read in the group? What has God set in motion that I can get in on?" Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor, p. 70.

The prevenience questions are at the core of an MRT. An MRT is simply two or more people with a heart for church planting in a particular region. They meet together once a week to listen to God to see what He is setting in motion. And, to see how they can get in on that.

The prevenience questions are also at the core of coaching. Coaching is simply one person helping another to pay close attention to what God is saying and doing in the life of that person.

Have you seen any evidence of God's prevenience this week?


PS. To read more about how an understanding of prevenience shapes how we do house church, go to

1 comment:

  1. Eastern European MissionaryJune 18, 2010 at 10:06 PM

    To think about it, the opposite of prevenience is to take God's place: we are in charge and not the Creator.
