Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MRT Introduction: Denver

Fellow MRTers,

I suspect that most of us are familiar with the Ivan Illich quote to the effect that the way you change culture is by telling an alternate story. At the heart of the MRT Experiment is a deep desire to see church culture transformed in order that the church might once again become transformational in the world. And, one of our most important "tools" in this transformational process will be the story.

This means that we must first become skilled at noticing the important "alternate" stories around us. Then, we find ways to collect those stories. With modern technology we have an unprecedented ability to do just that. Below, you will see a short video Introduction to the Denver MRT that I (the oldest and certainly the least "techie" of anyone in this group!) made with my iPhone. Hey - if I can learn to do this, any of you can also.

Once we have collected the story, we can then be a storyteller. And, with the Internet, these stories can spread around the world in a way that is again unprecedented.

So, one definition of the MRT Experiment is "a community of apostolic storytellers". (And, the MRT Experiment is itself one of the important "alternate stories".)



  1. Way cool guys! Thanks for telling your story--it sure encourages me.

  2. Wow, I love it! This was great! Your example of what you guys do really encouraged me! I am impressed with how simple this is, and yet how God is moving in such a great and powerful way. Thanks for your video. ....Peg

  3. Great video! Very doable. Anyone with this kind of heart can do this. Thanks for giving us tangible "on ramps" into God's mission!

  4. I love your video. Listening to you guys describe what you are living together sounds easy--attractive. Thanks!
