Friday, February 26, 2010

MRT Introduction: Abilene, TX

I love the fact that anyone, male or female, regardless of educational background can be an effective church planter. On the other hand, I love the fact that the the movement is not anti-intellectual either.

The best academic environment for training church planters, as far as I know, is centered in the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University. I'm delighted that the MRT in Abilene is made up of one seminary professor and two seminary graduates. (A number of the other MRTs in our Experiment are also made up of some of Kent's former students.)

I also like the fact that Ron is working in a hybrid situation with a traditional church. I have no doubt that all three of these guys will have lots to contribute to our Experiment.

Check their introduction below. Your comments?


Our MRT is comprised of three individuals and their families:1) Kent Smith, Missions Professor at Abilene Christian University, director of ACU's Missionary Residency for North America (MRNA) program, and Fearless Leader of the Jesus Family Network.2) Ron Longwell, Minister of Soul Care for the Jesus Family Network, Leadership Coordinator for the Southern Hills Church of Christ Homegathering project, ACU library employee, and Doctor of Ministry student.3) Austin Brown, House Church leader, bank employee (because it pays the bills), potter (because it gives him life), and all-around great guy.

Our MRT represents a nice cross-section of what God is doing in Abilene. Kent's primary work is with students at Abilene Christian University, guiding, training, and mentoring future church planters toward the goal of "creating a vibrant family of Jesus within close reach of every North American." As such, Kent is in the thick of things when it comes to the way young people are experiencing the Kingdom of God and living into his calling in new ways.

moved to Abilene in the fall of 2008 with his wife LaCresha and teenage son Nathan after 15 years in traditional church ministry to participate in Kent Smith's MRNA program. Ron's primary ministry focus is a blossoming network of house churches being spawned by the Southern Hills Church of Christ, a large, traditional church in Abilene. In the fall of 2008, the SH church decided to launch some house churches (they refer to them as "homegatherings") in Abilene. Ron became the leadership coordinator for this group of churches last fall. Ron is interested in furthering the discussion of how large churches and simple churches can cooperate. We are still learning in the SH project, but God is doing some great things.

Austin was (along with Ron and a few others) part of the 2008-2009 cohort of Kent Smith's MRNA program, having recently moved to Abilene from the Austin, TX area. Austin and his wife Elizabeth has had some great training and experience in simple churches with Tony and Felicity Dale and some of the other simple church leaders in the Austin area. Currently, Austin is a simple church leader in Abilene with a tremendous amount to teach us about life with God.None of us has all the answers, but together, God is leading us all into deeper levels of relationship with him, and a deeper sense of his purpose and mission in Abilene and beyond. We are learning from one another, and most significantly, from the Spirit of the living God.


  1. Wow! I love what I'm reading here about the MRT in Abilene. Various things stand out as significant, I'll pick one or two.

    Ron's 'hybrid' situation. There's a good deal of overlap between a large church with home groups and a local network of organic churches. There are differences too of course, particularly in terms of the management structure. But we can surely co-operate if both are willing. And we have Jesus in common, don't we? It's great to hear of MRT embracing both!

    'Learning from the Spirit of the Living God.' That is so very much what we all have to do - deeply, daringly, and daily. In other words we need to be more than superficial, take some risks, and walk with the Lord all the time. Sean and I are starting to learn that together.

  2. This MRT reminds me of what you might have seen in Antioch, an MRT leadership with a global focus, even as they are cultivating the soil of Abilene, TX. The "MRT" in Antioch (to use the term loosely) was willing to kindly kick out their leaders for the sake of the larger mission of God, rather than hoarding them in their own part of the world. An emotionally difficult choice for the Antiochian Christians to send off Paul and Barnabas, but one we Gentiles are all thankful for!

  3. That's a great comment, Mark! Abilene (really ACU) has been functioning as a sort of Antioch. I hadn't seen it quite like that before. We could also see what Kent (and the rest of you guys) have done at ACU as a prototype. May the Lord raise up other Abilenes/Antiochs!

  4. I really admire ACU for hosting Kent and his vision. It says a lot to me about their posture for mission and their ability to think outside the box. It will be a great testimony to see Southern Hills share a similar vision. I believe there is a desire among many large churches to transition, but moving from desire to practice is obviously difficult; there is so much deconstructing and rebuilding to do. It is great to see leaders like Ron nurturing a large church in this direction. Hopefully, this will be a catalyst for others in the future.

  5. I'm not aware of large churches in the UK with a desire to change in the way Hobby mentions. I hope and pray it will come, and soon. I think small forms of church are still under the radar here.

    I have invited an ex elder of a local New Frontiers group to discover CO2, he's a wise and gentle man. If he sees how it can stir and stimulate people it might take off in the small group he runs. Who knows what might happen then!

    I'd love to be working together regularly with some of these people, missionally as well as relationally. Bless them all!

  6. What a great group! I am especially interested in this road that you are on Ron. I share your desire to maintain healthy (and maybe even helping) relationships with my loved ones in "normal" churches. I'll be interested to listen in on what you are learning.

    I'm praying with you all today.
