Friday, January 29, 2010

MRT's 2.0 - An Introduction

Turn your volume all the way up...

MRT's 2.0 - An Introduction from TSP on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks guys for a thoughtful video! I am excited about thinking carefully about MRT 2.0 and what implications it may have for the friends and co-workers on mission here in Chicago.

    You mentioned that "mission emerges out of listening...we are not missional because we are trying to be missional - but because of an overflow of our relationship with the Holy Spirit"

    This is making me think also of Bonhoeffer's thoughts on holiness - he mentions the "Perisson" (the and radical uniqueness of the Jesus lifestyle) is something that is noticed by EVERYONE except the Christian. This is both to live as the "light on a hill" radical disciple that Jesus calls us to be in Mt 5, as well as the "pray in your closet" humility that Jesus teaches in Mt 6. *Cost of Discipleship.

    If we are to be revolutionaries, we must be both radical and humble - realizing that each MRT team is broken and in need of healing, and simultaneously, the very vessels that God uses to declare his heavenly Kingdom!

    But how does a person, or a team, live in that tension?

  2. Thank you John and Kent. I am SO aware of the listening/Not listening aspect of my life and ministry. "Martha, Martha...Mary has chosen the necessary thing..." From I get a word, to I can't get a word, to I don't want to stop and get a word since it might interupt my "own way." John/California
